Heybrook Primary and Nursery

Heybrook Primary and Nursery School

Art and Design



At Heybrook Primary School, we believe that art and design should be a stimulating and enjoyable experience for all. We strive to make art and design lessons inclusive and to encourage confident, curious, independent learners, who can articulate and value their own creative skills and development. We want our children to have the confidence and freedom to experiment with their own ideas through a range of mediums. This includes opportunities for them to develop the skills of drawing, painting, collage, 3D techniques and textiles, as well as learning about the work of other artists, craftspeople and designers from a diverse range of times, cultures and backgrounds.



We aim to:

  • Stimulate our children's creativity and imagination
  • Engage, inspire and challenge pupils to invent and create their own works of art, craft and design
  • Impart key knowledge including knowledge of famous artists, artistic styles and movements
  • Teach key art and design skills such as drawing, painting, 3D techniques, collaging, printmaking and textiles
  • Teach children how to evaluate, analyse and appreciate creative works using the language of art, craft and design
  • Support and foster our children's wellbeing as part of the art and design curriculum
  • Develop an understanding of the potential art and design opportunities both within and outside of careers
  • Provide a rich array of enrichment opportunities including trips to art galleries, visits from artists and whole school projects
  • Make links to our wider curriculum with a view to building our children's schema of knowledge


Curriculum map

Our curriculum map for art clearly sets out the sequence of learning in this subject:
Art and Design Curriculum Map 2024-25



Our art policy provides further details on how the subject is organised:
Art and Design Policy 2024-25


What our children say

I love getting messy!


It helps me to focus.


I have a talent for art so it makes me happy.


I loved creating the skyline in The Blitz.


It helps if you are stressed because you can let your emotions out.


When I can do it, it makes me feel better about myself.


You can express your feelings through the drawing.


I loved making patterns with the mosaics.


You can think more freely while you're in art.


It doesn't matter if you mess up.


What it looks like

Art and Design at Heybrook