Heybrook Primary and Nursery

Heybrook Primary and Nursery School


Welcome to Year 4!


The Year 4 classes and teachers are:

Blue Class - Miss Barnes

Aqua Class - Miss Kiran

Turquoise Class - Miss Hussain



Please click on the following links to see the National Curriculum for Year 4. Your content here

 Year 4 Maths National Curriculum  

 Year 4 English National Curriculum  

Year 4 Science National Curriculum 


Year 4 Overview

(to be continued...)




Please ensure that your children read at least 3 times a week and answer the questions in their reading record.

All children should complete one section of their times table books each day.

All children have spellings to complete for a test every Friday.

All children have a log in for Times Tables Rockstars and Mathletics. If they have forgotten their log in, please get them to ask their class teacher for it.  


PE Days

Blue Class - Tuesday

Aqua Class - Tuesday

Turquoise Class - Wednesday

Please ensure that your child has their PE kit in school:

black leggings/shorts/tracksuit bottoms

- white T-shirt

- black pumps/trainers



Blue Class - Wednesday 

Aqua Class - Friday 

Turquoise Class - Tuesday


Useful websites: